Step 1: Please complete at least one of the fields on the left to search the registered database for your organization. Step 2: Click your Organization Name below.
If your organization is NOT found, please close this window and follow the instructions.
Organization and User Registration
Is the organization for which you are applying one of the following?
Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) registered charity
IRS 501(c)(3) designation in the USA
Official charitable status as designated by local regulatory authorities
Organization is outside of Canada and US and can document charitable status
Are you an employee of RBC?
Please refer to RBC Intranet for workplace giving opportunities.
RBC cannot offer funding based on your selection; eligibility criteria is not met.
Please click here to review our giving guidelines.
RBC accepts applications from organizations whose projects take place in the following countries where we do business. We do not provide funding in countries not on this list.
Does your organization's project take place in one of the listed countries?
RBC cannot offer funding based on your selection; eligibility criteria is not met.
Please click here to review our giving guidelines.
Are you requesting funding to support one of the following?
Sports teams
Political organizations, parties or political advocacy
Private foundations and corporate foundations
Private schools (private, charter or independent, fee-based schools)
Trade associations, advocacy organizations, chambers of commerce and professional organizations
Endowments (e.g. university chairs) or memorial campaigns
Religious or sectarian programs or purposes
Golf tournaments
Conference, congress, symposium or seminar fees
Travel costs
Advertising, marketing or promotion
RBC cannot offer funding based on your selection; eligibility criteria is not met.
Please click here to review our giving guidelines.
Is your application request less than CAD $25,000?
RBC cannot offer funding based on your selection; eligibility criteria is not met.
Please click here to review our giving guidelines.
Do you have Audited Financial Statements?
RBC cannot offer funding based on your selection; eligibility criteria is not met.
Please click here to review our giving guidelines.
Please certify that your organization does not discriminate or restrict access based on things like race, colour, religion or creed, gender, sexual orientation or disability among others.
I certify
I do not certify
RBC cannot offer funding based on your selection; eligibility criteria is not met.
Please click here to review our giving guidelines.
Are you a subsidiary? Subsidiaries can be defined as organizations that have registered charitable status through a parent organization. Examples include school boards (parent organizations) and high schools/elementary schools (subsidiaries), as well as municipal governments (parent organizations) and recreation centres (subsidiaries) etc.
Success! Your organization meets the basic requirements. We invite you to register as a new user. Please click on the registration button below.
Success! Your organization meets the basic requirements. We invite you to register as a new user. Please click on the appropriate registration button.